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Why Consistent Elevator Repairs Are Crucial for User Safety

June 23, 2023

According to the National Elevator Industry, Inc, a typical elevator carries an estimated 80 people on an average day, totaling about 20,000 per year. Anyone who's lived in a building with unreliable elevator service understands the importance of proper elevator care and maintenance. Ongoing repair is often necessary as elevators age, and having a professional elevator repair team available is essential. Let's take a closer look at why consistent elevator repairs are crucial for user safety.

A Proactive Plan Is a Better Plan

Professional elevator companies offer ongoing maintenance and repair plans to their customers. This means that when there's an issue, someone whose familiar with the equipment will fix it. No more scrambling to try to find a service provider that's available. When an ongoing and proactive plan is in place, there's always someone to call for help and assistance. Elevators are one piece of equipment that requires service from professionally trained and experienced providers. When an elevator has to be fixed, it's definitely not a job for the handyman!

An ongoing maintenance plan also means that when it's time for the modernization of your elevator, it's on the schedule and factored into your budget. Elevators don't last forever, and there can be times when they require modernization to continue operating safely. When an elevator isn't maintained properly, it won't take long for more serious, and costly, problems to arise. Having a plan in place to handle this large expense can help you avoid operational outages and more expensive repairs. It's always better to keep elevators maintained and running smoothly than have them break down and require costly fixes.

Safety Requires Consistent Service

Elevators can be dangerous when they're not working properly. There are a lot of moving parts that have to operate properly and in tandem. Chains and cables are just the beginning. Modern elevators also have complex electrical and computer automation systems. When an elevator breaks down, it can be difficult to discern the cause of the problem. Routine and comprehensive diagnostics should be run on the system on a regular basis in order to provide safe and consistent elevator service.

Building codes and safety regulations are two other major reasons why active elevator maintenance is so important. According to our team, in some municipalities, fines can be as great as $100/day for each elevator that's below code. Safety regulations exist federally, on a statewide basis, and can also be locally enforced. It's vitally important to know all the regulations and building codes. This isn't just a safety issue, but also one of liability. There's no reason to allow your elevators to create an unsafe environment for anyone. This is true in both residential and commercial buildings. Code enforcement is a serious matter and should be handled accordingly for the safety of all.

Serious Hazards Can Be Avoided

A consistent maintenance and repair plan will also ensure that more serious problems can be avoided. Due to the complexity of repairs, most service calls last longer than an hour. According to our team, the typical hourly rate for elevator service, during regular business hours, is around $300. An emergency service call during non-business hours can be much higher than that amount.

The more often your elevator requires emergency service, the larger the indication that an ongoing service agreement should be in place. When an elevator isn't receiving the ongoing service and maintenance it requires, it's only a matter of time before it needs serious repairs. Elevator motors can lose years of their usable life because of neglect. Lack of service can also make simple fixes turn into serious safety issues. There's no reason to skimp on the safety of your elevator users because, in the long run, it'll likely end up costing you more money. Now is an ideal time to learn more about the many economic and safety benefits that come with regular elevator repair and maintenance.

Elevator repairs and maintenance are a necessary part of safe building management. If you're looking for a company to handle your repairs and ongoing maintenance, give us a call at Stark Elevator. We provide the local area building owners with all the attention their elevators need to continue operating properly and safely year after year. Call today!

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